Is your name Andy Hollings?

No that name-tag was given to me by a lady whose father died of cancer. She came up to me and said I want you to wear this. Everything has been given to me. I have another jacket just like this one. Can you see this one on my cap? That was given to me by a French woman who comes from Alsace. The pegs have been given to me by kids. People say I shouldn’t wear the Confederate Flag but that was given to me too. And if I won Lotto, I wouldn’t change the way I dress. People are always trying to change me, but I like the way I dress.

So, what is your name?

People call me Dingo. I have a daughter who lives in Australia and some years ago I went to stay with her. She had a bedroom for me and everything but I don’t like being inside so I would disappear for 8 hours and then return. She said I was like a Dingo and started calling me that.

Sorry I talk so much. If I haven’t got the harmonica in my mouth all I do is talk.

  • Date: January 2023
  • Location: Wellington