My first birth was with my mum and dad and they gave me a nice christian name – John. Then I took a birth with another teacher, another parent and I was given the name Yasoda. My first birth was about getting me into this world. My second birth is about getting me out of this world.

I went to India in 1974 but didn’t become a Hari Krishna until 20 years later. I wanted to change my way of life with an understanding that there’s a supreme controller and nothing happens by chance. Some things happened that were extremely difficult, and I was able to search deep into my heart and God came to me in different ways.

Our movement is about dancing, chanting and feasting. It’s a very simple life. We are now in the dark age and God came in this age to teach us how to live simply.

We are called Hari Krishma because that’s our mantra. Man means mine and Tra means to deliver. Chanting Hari Krishna is very liberating on the heart.

  • December 2022 Christchurch