I want my story to be put out there because there’s a lot going on in the world and there’s a lot of trauma.  Apart from Ukraine and Russia, my biggest concern is the digital ID score slave system coupled with Jacinda Ardern’s talk to the United Nations.  What she’s trying to do is eliminate people who research different ideas to what she is trying to peddle. It’s called an opinion and she’s trying to lock all that away so she can own the narrative. With the digital score card, if you have a wrong opinion, they’ll axe your credit and take away your self-determination. It’s already in China and it’s coming here. Initially it will be kept on your device and next it will likely be under the skin.

In terms of Russia, all they’re doing is appealing to people’s unconsciousness and saying Russia did this, Russia did that. Those who just go about their daily lives on the grind only read the headlines and don’t look any deeper. They’re real people too and we’re not saying well you’re an idiot for believing that. I listened to the news this morning about the referendum in Donetsk. There were 133 Foreign observers overseeing it and the Ukrainians decided they wanted to go under the Russian Federation. But the mainstream media won’t report any of that. What Putin is trying to do is legit.

I’m trying to get my side across by coming out like this. Not in a protest way but by having cheeky signs.

  • October 2022 Christchurch